Saturday, February 8, 2014

Aether Legends - The gods themselves

Aether legends was a project for the development of a fantasy setting for D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) I started writing the material for this early in school and was focused on creating a cohesive Mythology with a creation myth that would explain the state of the world. In Aether legends the Gods that were supposed to take care of the world and guard it have become fickle and have instead caused the world to collapse to mutate and change bringing in  outsiders from other dimensions that were never meant to inhabit this world in the first place.

Some of the gods that I painted were The Mountainsmith, patron of the dwarves and forger of jewels and mountains, The Fire Mistress, a seductress and goddess of fire, passion, courage and destruction. Finally the Trickster, is the master god of deception and has many guises, he changes form according to the mask he chooses to wear, a mysterious figure to be sure.

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